December 26, 2014


I think I'm getting my old habit back (taking pointless photos). Taking photos is super fun, I feel like 14 again when I loved to take photos of my feet. I'm just sad that I feel more insecure about my body than I've ever felt. I feel like I'm really big and nothing looks great on me. I tried to take outfit photos but I only see how bloated and big I look and I don't want to publish photos of my body. I don't think that being ''fat'' is my biggest problem, I just hate it that I'm not confident. I want to feel good in my body, whether I'm super big or very tiny.

I have my mermaid hair back! I dyed my hair dark brown and got extensions and now I feel like a total princess. 

I've never been a big Guess fan, I just don't think that most of the bags of the brand look that nice. But when I found this bag our local Facebook flea market I fell in love. It only cost 30€ and it's pretty much in a perfect condition. The colour of the back is this deep chocolate brown (do I sound pretentious?)

I used to have this bag and I loved it but it broke a few years ago. My mom found the exact same kind from flea market for 4€! I was so happy, that's just so crazy low price and it's in mint condition. I think it's from this brand called Kling.

Yeah I know, I know. I just had to photograph this bag cause it's so amazing. I can't wait to wear it! It's from eBay and you can find it under a name ''Fashion gun bag''.

I've not always been a fan of Fjällräven's Kånken bags. Not because they're ugly or anything, but they're just very ordinary and they're really expensive for that kind of bag. I found this one from flea market and it was only 15€! After that I just fell in love and now I get all the hype, I'm probably going to buy myself a new yellow one when it's my birthday. 

Cute photo of Linda. She passed away a little over 2 years ago and I miss her.

I collect these kind of vases from flea markets. I have them all around the house.

My Sailor Moon necklaces and some manga. 

I rarely drink, and when I do, I always drink coffee liqueur with milk. 

Our awesome Godzilla clock. 

Pesto is so cute! She's pretty tiny still and she's already 8 months old.

Over 90% of these DVD's are mine. I used to buy DVD's all the time but nowadays I'm lazy and I watch everything from Netflix.

Wall of cats.

VS is amazing, cause almost everything smells great and the packaging is cute.


  1. En tarkoita ilkeillä tällä kysymyksellä tms., minusta olet upea minkä kokoisena tahansa, mutta luuletko, että masennuslääkkeet ovat aiheuttaneet sinulla painon nousua?

    1. Hyvinkin mahdollista ja epäilen että olenkin siistä syystä ainakin osittain lihonnut

  2. Tämmöset postaukset (tai oikeastaan mitkä tahansa sun postaukset) on ihania, mä ainakin tykkään sun "random"kuvista, se on sulosia! :)

  3. Ihanaa että päivität tätä blogia taas useammin :3 oon seuraillu sun postauksia varmaan ekan blogis ajoista lähtien, mutta muistaakseni en oo varmaan ikinä kommentoinu mitään Ö___ö anyway, ihana jos oot taas löytäny inspiraatiota kuvaamiseen ja sitä kautta myös bloggaamiseen!

  4. I love those kind of posts, so I was really happy to go through this! :)
    Have you ever thought about doing a post about your favourite places - as in some good places to visit in Finland? Or doing a separate post about the flea markets you visit?
    Ever since you mentioned visiting the flea market for the first time and showing all those stuff that you have found there, I have just gone crazy, because I want to visit them so badly!
    Would you like to do a post about the flea markets you visit - which ones are worth the visit (Helsinki/Finland)? I'd love to visit one, next time I go to Finland. :)
    Thank you for your blog for all these years - I've been enjoying it since the beginning!
    Take care & have a nice day/evening! xoxo

  5. olet kaunis ja upea minkä kokoisena vain! olen samankokoinen ja katsonut kuvia ja kaikki vaatteet tuntuvat näyttävän sinulla ihanalta päälläsi.. joskus tulee pahoja oloja koon takia mutta älä murehdi, nauti elämästä.

  6. I know how it feels when you have a great outfit on, but feel like you can't post it because of how you think you look in it. Good luck!


  7. God I love your pointless photos! Idk how you do it but they always end up inspiring me. Oh and that thing about your weight/size well I think u look absolutely gorgeous and you know you should cherish yourself for what u are and all that... (I know easier said than done) anyway good luck with finding happiness in your own skin

  8. Hope you can overcome that insecurity feeling very soon, because from what i have seen you are not big at all, actually i find you have a healthy figure....
    Oh and Pesto is a cutie :3

  9. Sulla on niin ihania ja erikoisia tavaroita, voisin ottaa jokaikisen omaan kotiini haha! Ja ei kannata ottaa liikaa stressiä mistään tommosista, varsinkin kun oot niin kaunis ja ihana persoona minkä painosena vaan. Kliseisen kuulosta, mutta totisinta totta. Kaikkea hyvää sulle!

  10. katso tuota uimapukukommenttia. Onneksi olet kasvanut ihmisenä. selailin muutenkin blogiasi vuosia sitten ja kerron sinulle: olet paljon terveemmän ja kauniimman näköinen kuin vuosia sitten :)

  11. You deserve to feel good, and get everything you desire just because you are you <3

  12. Anonymous5/1/15 19:29

    luin sun koko blogin ku olin kipee. Jännä nähdä miten ihminen muuttuu vuosien aikana, tosi kiinnostavaa. En tunne sua tietysti irl, mutta kuvia katsoessa ja tekstejä lukiessa tuli sellanen tunne. Itsekin olen käynyt samanlaisen "evoluution", mutta en ole dokumentoinut sitä nettiin.
    Luetko koskaan sun blogin vanhoja postauksia? Mitä mieltä oot niistä, tunnetko myötähäpeää vai nostalgiaa? Ootko erilainen ihminen kuin vaikka 2011?
    Ois mielenkiintosta lukee joku postaus sulta et miten oot muuttunut jne.

    Ps. Sun kautta muuten tutustuin Tumblriin, varmaan vuonna 2010?? :DD


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland