January 13, 2015


Ugh I really miss natural light and being able to take photos whenever I want. It's pitch black outside after 4 P.M. during winter. So I hope that these photos are good enough.

But yeah, I received this Sheinside jacket a long time ago but forgot to post photos of it. I don't know why I chose the yellow color but I just fell in love with it. It brightens up my mood when it's dark and black everywhere. You can find the jacket in here!

I was drooling over a bright yellow Fjällräven backpack and decided to buy it for myself when it's my birthday. But I spotted this on our local Facebook flea market 25€! I'm super happy, it's perfect.


  1. Keltainen on kyllä mainio väri tämän kaamokseen, mulla on keltainen pipo! :-)

  2. Anonymous13/1/15 23:48

    ihana takki ja söpö väri :3 koko look taas <3

  3. Anonymous15/1/15 13:29

    Onko toi sun oma tukka? :)tee joku tukkapostaus!!!!!

  4. Anonymous21/1/15 23:05

    Hei, ajattelin kysyä onkohan sulla suositella jotain peitevoidetta? Mulla loppu just Elfin yks josta en kauheesti tykänny, tosin niillä näyttäis olevan erilaisia. Ootko sattumoisin niitä kokeillu? Toivottavasti postaat pian :)

  5. So cool, I love yellow! :)

    xx, eleonora


  6. I love the clothes,and thanks for your sharing.

  7. Anonymous12/2/15 17:45

    Postaustoive!! Tee tästä sun aikaisemmasta listauksesta (http://pixieyou.blogspot.fi/2009/11/im-high-school-lover-and-youre-my.html) "päivitetty versio" niin että jätät vanhatkin vastaukset näkyviin ja vaikka eri värisellä fontilla lisäät tämän hetkisen vastauksesi? :)


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland