June 25, 2014


Me and my boyfriend went and got a cat. I named her Pesto (she got her name from Ruth Ozeki's book ''A Tale For The Time Being'' which is one of my favourite books) even though it sounds a bit like a boys name, Pesto is a tiny little girl.
Some of you might remember my other cat, Ninja. She's staying at my mom's place and Pesto is living in my boyfriend's place.
My first cat died of age 20, my parents got her even before I was born, so she's been always with me. So I know that having a cat isn't easy and you can't just leave her if you get bored.

Pesto is super tiny and wild little baby.

I bought this super cool Lobby Boy snapback from here! It's super nice and I think it looks pretty good on me, I was a bit doubtful at first. I've also been pretty much using these kind of ugly sandals for weeks now, they're so cozy. 


  1. Oi miten ihana pikku kisu <3 mulla taas on Nipsu niminen kissa ja se on myös tyttö :)

  2. Aww, she's so cute! <3

  3. voii kuinka suloinen! Mekin ollaan ottamassa nyt toista kissanpentua :>

  4. Oh, I love cats and Pesto is so nice!! She looks like my cat named Matýsek :)

  5. Anonymous26/6/14 09:34

    Tykkään tosi paljon uudesta bannerista! :)

  6. Oi Pesto on ihan älyttömän kaunis! Paljon kuvia sitten seuraaviinkin postauksiin tuosta pikkuisesta söpöyksestä, joohan (:

  7. Anonymous26/6/14 15:50

    tuli mieleen että otsatukka voisi vain tehdä comebackin :3

  8. Anonymous26/6/14 20:01

    Mahdottoman söpö otus! Nimet joilla on jokin taustatarina on kiehtovia.

  9. Anonymous26/6/14 20:51

    the first two pictures are adorable!

  10. omg omg omg en kestä voiei mikä ihana pieni eläin

  11. Anonymous10/7/14 13:13

    Pleaaaase do a "all about my tattoos" post! I am really interested in your tattoos, they are beautiful! I'm sure a lot of other people would like to see it too. :)

  12. Anonymous10/7/14 16:46

    you are so pretty! do some make up video please.)

  13. Anonymous12/7/14 20:15

    Tykkäätkö festareista? Ootko tänä kesänä ollu tai meinaatko mennä :)


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland