April 9, 2014


I turned 21 last Sunday and now I feel really old and I'm kinda scared about my future. I've been really depressed for last few years but now I finally feel that things are getting back to normal and I feel kinda good about myself. I hope that this year I'm finally gonna get my shit together. 

I also wanted to hear what kind of posts would you like me to write? I don't actually shop that much anymore (surprisingly) so there's not gonna be that many posts about my shoppings as there used to be. I'm probably doing that ''All of my tattoos'' post since many of you has been interested, but if you have any other ideas, let me know! 

I got some new clothes from Sheinside today and since I had no idea what to post, I decided to shoot them. 

First piece is this crazy cute sunflower printed crop top. I've wanted this kind of shirt forever, it's so pretty. You can find it in here! 

I'm in love with this Turtles shirt! It's perfect in every way. I'm probably gonna embarrass everyone who hangs out with me but I don't care! You can find it in here!

I also got this absolutely stunning kimono. It's very pretty, super light and soft and I'm pretty sure I'll be wearing it A LOT when the summer comes. You can find it in here!

And the last one is this super cute and soft yellow dress. I'm definitely gonna wear it on Easter! You can find it in here!


  1. Anonymous9/4/14 22:02

    Ehdottomasti aloitat sillä tatuointipostauksella! Ja olisi kiva jos tekisit postauksen huonoimmista kirjoista/elokuvista joita olet nähnyt/lukenut :)

    1. Kuulostaa hyvältä idealta, toivottavasti kukaan ei vaan vedä herneitä nenään :D

  2. I kinda know what you mean, I'm turning 20 in july and it scares me. But I love hearing that you feel a bit better these days :) and I just wanted to say that black looks really good on you :)

  3. Anonymous10/4/14 00:07

    movie and tv show posts :D dunno some kind of recommendation thing

  4. Anonymous10/4/14 04:26

    im turning 22 this year and ill tell you one thing- its normal to be scared of your future... depressed, are you serious? it might be a little too much to ask for but i was actually wondering whether you would like to make a post about well-being,depression daily problems that us as young ppl have to struggle with nowadays?

    also, maybe sth to do with eating disorders? hopefully uve never had one but i myself had... ive been anorexic for some time and then it turned out into compulsive eating.. then back to anorexia and back to compulsive eating.. i would be so SO glad if you would like to touch this issue on your blog since i think, awareness should be raised so as a result less and less ppl would immerse themselves into this shit...

    you look stunning <3 take care

    1. Anonymous10/4/14 21:35

      I was wondering the same thing actually. I would be great if you could write something about well-being/depression/eating disorders etc. since there are lots of young people struggling with these things (including myself).
      All in all it would be nice to hear about your daily life, even if it doesn't include anything spectacular. And it would also be nice to hear how are things going and how you are feeling.
      You look good, as always. I wish all the best for you!<3

    2. That idea sounds really great but I'm kind of afraid how that kind of post would affect if I'm trying to find a job and my future employer finds my blog and reads about my past. You know, people can be really shallow and not that many people seem to understand mental illnesses. I have to consider it though cause I also want people to know that they're not alone

  5. Kirja- ja huonepostaukset on aina hyviä ! Ja kiva kuulla, että oot paremmassa kunnossa :) *halaus*

  6. Anonymous10/4/14 08:28

    Ois myös superia nähdä videoita pitkästä aikaa. Sun videot oli aina parhaimpia :)

  7. Anonymous10/4/14 11:01

    ME KAIKKI halutaan postaus siitä sun uudesta kaverista ;) ei nyt mitään henkilökohtasta, mutta kuva ainaski :)

    1. En mä ehkä vielä viitsi postailla tästä mitään, oon ennenkin joutunut kärsimään siitä et oon kertonut liikaa mun blogissani mun yksityisasioista. Saa nähdä :D

  8. I feel you, I turned 22 this year and I'm scared about my future too... I think it's normal. I'm glad you're back! Maybe you could do Q&A post?

  9. Anonymous10/4/14 15:23

    olis kiva nähdä sun hymyilevän :)

    postaukset ihan arkielämästä, tän hetken kuvioista jne olis kivoja.

  10. Anonymous10/4/14 17:59

    How much do you weigh?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous10/4/14 19:08

    Maybe post about make-up? Like daily routine or smth. Or just random pictures of yourself or your friends when you go out somewhere.:)

  13. Anonymous10/4/14 23:08

    You are so beautiful! You have personally face, I like a lot . :) it is so nice to hear you are fine.

  14. Täällä myös 20 kriisi! Ja tatuointi postaus kyllä kiitos! :) Rupesin miettimään, että en edes muista enää miten pitkään olen lukenut sun blogia! Eikä haittaakaan, olet ihana <3

  15. Anonymous11/4/14 10:15

    Postaus, jossa on jotain sun vanhoja kuvia tähän päivään asti ois mielenkiintonen :D semmonen miten sun tyyli on kehittyny esim. siitä ku alotit bloggauksen

  16. Anonymous11/4/14 19:57

    Olis kiva kuulla mitä kirjoja oot lukenut ja mitä suosittelisit muillekin. Ja sitten myös ihan sun arkielämästä ja päivän asuja myös... Ja olis jännä nähdä miten ja missä säilytät vaatteesi, kun niitä on paljon. :D Ja mitkä on sun lemppari vaatteet.

  17. Anonymous13/4/14 15:08

    Nättejä vaatteita, mutta onko sun pakko poseerata melko usein tupakka kourassa? :D


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland