July 25, 2014


Some Instagram photos.

1. I bought this really cute flower headband from eBay for about 1$. It looks really nice and natural with braided hair. 2. Some eBay jewelry. They're so pretty! 3. My boyfriend said that he's embarrassed to walk with me when I was wearing this outfit cause he thought that it looked like pajamas. Kimono from Choies, shirt from eBay, shorts from Bershka, shoes from Choies. 4. I bought those pants and that backpack from flea market! I'm so lucky. That Frida Kahlo case is from Etsy and it's so beautiful.

I'm a big fan of anime, but I haven't read that much manga. I decided to buy Uzumaki since I've heard so many good things about it. It's really disgusting and weird but I loved it! There's only 3 books of Uzumaki so you won't waste your time if you don't end up liking it and still wanna read how it all ends.

I've been doing really great without meat. I honestly don't even grave it anymore. Even my boyfriend has eaten the same food that I've been making! The only thing that is hard is trying to stop eating milk products, especially cheese. I love some feta cheese and mozzarella. It's also super hard trying to find products that are 100% vegan. 
I discovered this really lovely vegan restaurant in Helsinki. It's called Silvoplee and they sell really good and filling food and other vegan products. They also sell raw cakes and raw chocolates (like that cake in the photo). The only thing that bothered me with that cake was that really strong coconut oil flavor. I think they use it to keep the cake in shape. Raw cakes are also really heavy in a good way, so you're satisfied with just one piece and you don't end up eating the whole cake.

Some selfies, nothing special.

Some photos of our little Pesto. She's really charming and super wild, she likes to jump on things and run really fast. She also likes to tease and play with us, sometimes a bit too rough. She sometimes spits (!) at us. Not because she's scared, but because she's trying to annoy us or something. She has a really strong personality and that makes her so lovely.

Some random photos.


  1. Vilkaisepa tätä sivustoa jos ei ole tuttu: http://www.vegaanituotteet.net/
    Siellä on listattuna perusmarketeista löytyviä vegaanisia tuotteita :)

  2. Anonymous25/7/14 12:01

    jee ihanaa kuulla että oot vegaani! :-)

  3. Oih, toi hylly ja peili on ihania! Ja muutenkin oot hirmusöpö<3

  4. sä oot kyllä niin nätti tyttö!

    ja vitsit miten ihana kisu, varsinkin tuo sen luonne kuulostaa hurmaavalta.

  5. Anonymous25/7/14 23:46

    Since when do you have a New boyfriend? I thought you were still with Thomas..
    not to sound rude or anything, i am just surprised.
    your cat is very cute :-)

    1. We've been together for about 4-ish months :)

  6. Anonymous26/7/14 00:55

    You Are awesome!

  7. Anonymous26/7/14 07:52

    Oot kyl jotenki nii aito ja rauhallinen ja niin kaunis ja oma ittes. Ihana

    1. Ihanin kommentti vähään aikaan, pelastit mun monta päivää <3

  8. Anonymous26/7/14 18:37

    Heey sanoit, että meinaat uudelleenjärjestellä sun meikkipussia eläinystävälliseks. Aattelin suositella muutamia meikkimerkkejä, jotka ei testaa eläimillä. Inglot, Joe Blasco ja Dr Hauschka on hyviks koettuja ja viimeiseks mainittuu saa ainakin Stockalta ja Ruohonjuuri-ekokaupasta.

    1. Kaikista oon kuullut mut en tiennytkään et Inglot on eläinystävällinen! Kiva juttu :)

  9. Anonymous29/7/14 03:15

    vegaanius on hieno homma mut toisaalta, onhan luomujuustoja sun muita mistä tietää ettei niitä eläimiä oo kidutettu. ei oo tarkotus kritisoida vegaaneita, en vaan usko mihinkään ehdottomaan. ihana nähdä että sulla vaikuttais rosa asiat alkaa loksahtelemaan paikoilleen, tunnut olevan enemmän sujut ittes kanssa kun koskaan aiemmin :) eli aito

  10. Anonymous6/8/14 17:02

    Sun ilmeet ja poset on samanlaisia ku Tuksulla

  11. Anonymous7/8/14 18:54

    Hei! Tosta Uzumakista on tehty myös leffa (siis ihan aitoine näyttelijöineen, ei animea). Oli yksi mun lemppareita silloin kun katselin aasialaista kauhua. :)


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland