December 24, 2013


I'm going to introduce some of the gifts I got this Christmas.

First one is the one that I wanted the most. PS3 500Gt and two games. 

My boyfriend got me Black Milk's Lumpy Space Princess skater dress and Adventure Time game for my Nintendo.

I really needed a new make up bag and you can never have enough shower gels.

Some cute make up products! Tony Moly's gloss bar, random (but cute) eyeliner and Maybelline's Baby Lips.

The Body Shop's strawberry scented body products that smell divine. 

Bodyline's (Japanese brand) rocking horse shoes. I'm SO in love and I'm gonna get more and more stuff from Bodyline.

I also got that lens for my camera that I earlier told you about, some pajamas, a basic black cardigan (cause my mom is sick of me stealing her cardigans), pajamas and some other stuff. I'm really pleased!

December 17, 2013


I've found the wonderful world of gel nail polish. It's really easy way to make your nails look fabulous. I've also let my nails grow and I don't remember when they were this long. I've bought quiet a few gel polishes from eBay and I'm also thinking about making a little post on my blog about them.

Oon löytänyt geeli kynsilakkojen ihmeellisen maailman. Näillä on tosi helppo luoda kauniit kynnet. Oon antanut samalla mun kynsien kasvaa vapaasti, enkä muista milloin viimeksi ne olis ollut näin pitkät. Oon ostellut muutamia geelilakkoja eBaystä ja ajattelin että voisin esitellä niitä ja muutenkin geelikynsilakkoja täällä blogissa.


Sammydress (click!) sent me these cute boots to review. I absolutely love them. They're very light and the zipper details are gorgeous.

Sammydress lähetti mulle nämä kengät arvosteltaviksi. Mä oon aivan rakastunut näihin. Nää on tosi kevyet ja tykkään erityisesti noista vetoketjuista.

I used my new lens to photograph these photos, aren't they great?

Käytin mun uutta objektiiviani kaikissa tän postauksen kuvissa, eikö oo aika mahtavia?

December 13, 2013


I got this Canon lens as an early Christmas present today and I already love it. It's really nice basic lens. I'm pretty sure that this will make me want to blog more!

I used it to photograph my lovely Ninja. She's about 10 months old and she's grown so fast.

December 11, 2013


I'm so sorry for being the worst blogger ever but I just haven't done anything productive lately. I've been pretty much watching movies and sleeping.

I'm seriously going to try and take outfit photos at least once a week and I'm going to do make up post very soon. So stay tuned!