October 6, 2013


I've never really been that kind of girl who loved white rooms and decorations. I'm more into stylish messy look with lots of interesting details and stuff rather than clean white rooms with nothing special in them, just some candles and see through chairs. And to be honest I could never achieve that because I have too much stuff. 

We bought this beautiful wallpaper in my room, so I wanted to show some photos of it and other stuff in room. I'm getting this cool vanity soon, so I'll have something to put all my make up products and stuff to. I'll probably show it too when I get it.

Isn't that wallpaper absolutely amazing? I was thinking about getting some retro style little flower wallpaper, but when I saw this I knew I had to get it. BUT this Spirited Away poster is my favourite thing in my room right now. Spirited Away is my number one favourite movie. I think that this poster is so beautiful that I could probably just cry. 

I'm a big fan of Studio Ghibli in general, and Miyazaki is pretty much my hero. 

I found these sticker print papers from eBay and I decorated my laptop. 

I have lots of books and DVD's even though I fell like I'm always selling them and throwing them away. 


  1. Anonymous7/10/13 07:18

    oon bongannu kahelta tyypiltä samanlaisen maton kun meillä! mut on se vaan niin kiva.

  2. Anonymous7/10/13 10:22

    olen niin rakastunut sun kämppään, ihanan persoonallinen eikä mikään sellanen perusbloggarien valko-harmaa kämppä missä mikään tavara ei ole senttiäkään vinossa vaan ollaan kun jossain sisustuskatalogin kuvassa :DD mahtavaa! mistä toi matto muuten on hommattu?

    1. Oot ihana <3 Joku kk takaperin Anttilassa oli alessa 16e!! En tiedä onks enää

  3. ihana crib ;_; ♥ mun haaveena on tuollainen matto myös!

  4. Anonymous7/10/13 15:55

    UUH mistä on ostettu tuo kukkalaukku joka näkyy vikassa kuvassa??? :O ihana.

    ja tuo juliste, ahh vois kattoo ton leffan pitkästä aikaa. :) se on myös mun lemppari miyazakilta.

    1. Kirppikseltä. Kannattaa kierrellä kirppiksiä, ite oon löytänyt jo kolme tollasta + samanlaisen matkalaukun!

  5. Anonymous7/10/13 16:53

    Toi matto on ihana mutta vielä ihanampi on tuo pieni kisu! Tuitui~

  6. the rug in your room is Beautiful. looks persian


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland