August 31, 2013


These are probably one of the most beautiful shoes I've ever laid my eyes on. Pale violet kitten heels that are very Valentino esque. They're from Mart Of China (click here to find them). 

I was feeling pretty outgoing today and I wanted to go out, but my boyfriend is at some job event and my friends are doing something else or won't answer me, so I'm just gonna watch Pitch Perfect with my mom and eat homemade apple pie. 

August 30, 2013


Shitload of books.

New lovely rug.

New bag.

All of my Studio Ghibli movies.

Spongebob computer.

August 26, 2013


One of the (amazing) reasons why I've been quiet;

Animal Crossing. I've had it for two weeks now and I have to admit that I'm already addicted. This game is worth the hype. Next I'm probably going to buy Luigi's Mansion 2. Have any recommendations for me?

I also got my nails done today! I'm convinced that I couldn't live without fake nails anymore. I just love them! They make my hands look so elegant and long. Pääset Nail Loungen sivuille tästä

Book review is coming this week, promise! 

August 20, 2013


Over sized Saturn shirt from here (click!)
Boy crop top from here (click!)
Cap with horns from here (click!)
Oh-so-cool ice cream socks from here (click!)

I got these lovely items from Chicnova (thank you so much ^_^).

I've been super busy while doing nothing, but I'll be posting my favourite book review thingy tomorrow, so see ya!

August 14, 2013


I haven't post anything in ages, cause I've been reading, watching tons of movies and series, and daydreaming. Someone asked me if I could make a post about books I like, so are any of you interested in that? I would recommend some good books and my favourite authors. Let me know!

Sheinside sent me something classic and something super weird;

cap from chicnova (more about what I got from chicnova later!), skirt, flats H&M

The classic one looks like this. This shirt is super soft and you can wear it with everything. You can find it in here! (Click!)

This Monsters University jacket is so freaking awesome. When I saw it, I just knew that I had to get it. It's so tacky that I just fell in love with it. You can find it in here! (Click!)

I also got these two ages ago, but forgot to photograph them. 
This Marie Antoinette dress is amazing! 
And the jacket is going to be perfect for this fall.

August 7, 2013


Uusia tuotteita nettikaupassa! 
Pääset kauppaan klikkaamalla tästä!

August 3, 2013


Tällä kertaa vähän erilaista asiaa. Kävin nimittäin ottamassa viime viikolla mun elämäni ensimmäiset rakennekynnet! Oon aina ihaillut muiden ihmisten kauniita ja pitkiä kynsiä, mutta olen itse vain pureskellut omia kynsiäni, ja ajatellut etten osaa toimia pitkillä kynsillä. 

This time I have something else to talk about, cause I just got my nails done for the first time ever! I've always fancied other people's nails, but I always just bit my own nails and I thought that I wouldn't know how to live with long ones. 

Oli siis ehkä vähän turhan riskaabelia ottaa näin pitkät stilettokynnet, mutta kynnet on osoittautuneet suht helpoiksi. Kännykän käyttämistä jouduin harjoittelemaan, enkä osaa avata tölkkejä ilman apuvälineitä, mutta en ole huomannut juuri mitään muita haittoja. 

So it was a bit risky to get these really long stiletto nails, but I haven't had any real problems with them so far. It was pretty hard to use my phone at first, and I can't really open cans, but that's pretty much it. 

Kyseessä on geelikynnet, jotka tuntuvat sopivan hyvin mun kynsilleni. Halusin suht tavalliset kynnet ilman mitään turhuuksia, joten valitsin nämä, joissa on mustat kärjet, sekä seassa hieman tummanhharmaata glitteri'.
Kävin ottamassa nämä Nail Loungessa, joka sijaitsee Tikkurilassa (kyseisen liikkeen nettisivuille pääset tästä klikkaamalla). Päivi, joka teki mulle nämä, vaikutti erittäin asiantuntevalta, ja kynsien laitto sujui vaivattomasti ja kivuttomasti (inhoan jostain syystä kynsien viilaamista). Aion tästä edespäin pitää yllä geelikynsiä, sillä nämä ovat kauniit, eikä tarvitse turhaan pelätä, että kynsilakka kuluisi. 

These are gel nails, and I think this is the perfect type of nail for me. I didn't want to have anything too bling bling, so I chose these nails with black tips with some gray glitter. I'll be getting my nails done from now on, cause they look great, are effortless and you don't have to worry that your nail polish would be ruined. 

P.S. Arvatkaa mitä. Päätin lopettaa tupakoinnin, enkä ole tupakoinut lainkaan kymmeneen päivään!

P.S. Guess what. I decided to quit smoking, and I haven't smoked anything in 10 days!