February 8, 2013


Lately I've been feeling pretty down. It must be this winter. 
I just wanna wallow in my bed and just eat, eat and eat and I feel really fat but I can't help myself.
Right now I would love to be someone else than me.

I bought Ira Levin's Rosemary's Baby, because I loved the movie. So far the book has been great.

Some random face photos.

New posters!


  1. Anonymous8/2/13 07:23

    I have that same eating problem:((( It's so depressing. But my weight does every month this same.. one week I'm skinny and next week I'm as heavy as elephant. I dont know how I could live healthy.. I just dont have self-discipline.

  2. Ihanan valoittavan kauniita kuvia! Lumoavat nuo mielettömät kiharat

  3. Anonymous8/2/13 08:39

    Näin sut yhtenä päivänä Akateemisessa, olit tosi söpö ja pieni. Toivottavasti sun ahdistus helpottaa pian!

  4. Anonymous8/2/13 11:25

    i understand you. feel pretty much the same. hope everything is gonna be ok soon. stay strong xxxx

  5. Anonymous8/2/13 12:49

    voi apua, toi pulp fiction-juliste on hieno!

  6. Anonymous8/2/13 15:02

    noi julisteet on ihan mahtavia ! varsinkin toi pulp fiction :)

  7. Anonymous8/2/13 15:07

    you're probably the most beautiful girl i've ever seen.

  8. Anonymous8/2/13 16:26

    Jep, Rosemaryn painajainen on loistava sekä kirjana, että leffana, mutta ikävä kyllä Rosemaryn poika oli pettymys. Olen juuri lukemassa sitä. Olen lukenut sen aiemminkin, mutten muistanut, että se oli noin huono... Ihan erilainen kuin eka kirja. Mistä nuo upeat julisteet ovat? :)

  9. Anonymous8/2/13 18:28

    Hiano toi Hohto-juliste! Joo, musta tuntuu ihan samalta, talvi ei tosiaan oo mun juttu. Onneks tässä ollaan jo hyvää vauhtia menossa kevättä kohti.. Yritä tsempata ittees ylös sängyn pohjalta, edes joskus. Kyllä se siitä vähitellen! :)

  10. Anonymous8/2/13 19:32

    Hui sä näytät ihan nukelta tosa yhes postaukses :o

  11. Anonymous8/2/13 19:48

    olet kaunis.

  12. You're so beautiful Rosa. You're face is gorgeous.

  13. I know this feeling, maybe better than anyone. But you are so gorgeous and lovely and you've got the best taste in books and music and everything. pleease learn to love yourself. do it for you. Just! for you. best wishes x

  14. Mistä noi julisteet on?
    .. ja hei tiiän ton fiiliksen! Se on tää helvetin talvi.

  15. Anonymous11/2/13 11:28

    hej you, i hope you will get better soon. you just have to try, try, try. get out, motivate yourself, do new things, be creative, think. again and again. i know it's hard, but you can do it! and then you'll feel so much better! love

  16. you look so soo beautiful. i don't know anyone who is looking better. stay strong, you're such a unique person ! Love your style and your taste! i read your blog from the very start and i really wish you keep on blogging. xx


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland