November 2, 2012


I just fucking hate eBay. I've been ordering there for about 3 or 4 years and everything has been great until now. It all started when 2 months ago I ordered plain black Creepers and I was so excited about them. I waited for them about 2 weeks and then got this email from eBay saying that there were problems with the shop I ordered them from and they'll have to shut the shop down and send me my money back. I was furious  but it wasn't that big, cause it was my first problem ever with eBay.

But now I've been waiting for over month to get my stuff, I ordered them from different eBay sellers, but the one thing connecting these shops is Hong Kong. Do they really have to sell stuff on eBay if they even can't send some stupid little necklace? Christmas is coming and I planned to get most of my presents from there but now I'm afraid to do it, what if they never get here? Ugh, so fucking irritating. 

Has there been any problems with your eBay shopping?

Here's some Instagram photos, cause I was going to take photos with my new eBay clothes but they didn't arrive.

On Halloween, I was browsing Youtube for some make up tutorials and I found this brilliant tuto, where you make scars with DUO eyelash adhesive, eyeshadow and lipgloss. They turned out to be pretty good actually.

Atleast this stupid bracelet came from eBay (okay it's pretty cool but it was pretty disappointing when I'm waiting for some cool leggings and dresses and only this came).

Yesterday I bought this cool book called ''10 Ways To Recycle A Corpse'' by Karl Shaw. I know, it seems pretty creepy, but it's actually really interesting. There's little stories and lists about extreme food fads, 12 famous fetishist, people who were killed by their doctors etc.


  1. Anonymous2/11/12 16:03

    Yes I've had problems getting my orders from Ebay as well. This summer I ordered some small rings in July and some I got in mid September and others didn't come at all. I think it sucks and I don't know why the shipping time has started taking so long because the sellers ship almost immediately after payment. :(

  2. Anonymous2/11/12 16:05

    miullekkin yleesä tullu kaikki nopeesti, maksimissaan kuukauden oon tainnu oottaa. Paitsi nyt, tilasin niittejä samalta myyjältä jolta aiemmin, ennen tullu 2 vk sisään hong kongista, nyt on kaks kuukautta siitä, kun oon maksanu ne, olevinaa lähetetty mut eipä oo näkyny!:(

  3. Anonymous2/11/12 17:52

    I really feel for you, that's just so annoying!
    even though I haven't experienced any problems with my ebay transactions (yet) I'm always super paranoid and sometimes things take aaages until they arrive.
    your fake bruises look awesome btw - not a big fan of halloween but well done.

  4. eh ebay can be annoying. i just shipped to someone and i don't even know if she got the stuff yet and it sucks cuz i really want my money!!! keep pestering them. that's the only way you get anything, unfortunately.

  5. joo mulla on kanssa kestäny ihan sika kauan saada just joku tyhmä sormus yms. Nytkin oon reilu kuukauden odotellu ties mitä juttuja ja eipä vaan saavu. Ennen tuli kaikki jutut niin nopeesti ja nyt yhtäkkiä kestää aivan liian kauan.

    Mäkin oon harkinnu tilailun lopettamisen, koska ei tässä oo enää mitään järkeä.

  6. I've also actually had issues with ebay. I ordered a handbag from some Hong Kong seller and it didn't came. After 28 days (which is the limit they should have sent it) I wrote them and received answer in bad english saying that the approximate time is 7-28 days and it will come. I decided to wait another week and then I opened a case on ebay (they recommend it if you dont get your stuff after three days after the limit). They had sent me my money back though I was pissed, but what the hell. After two months and half I received a package. I was surprised what it was, because I didn't order anything. Tadaaaa bag arrived. It has broken zippers and I bet it's smaller than the description says.. but well it's for free, so what.

    Some people on ebay are cool, some are douches. For example my Litas arrived in a week - exactly a week! Which is very fast for me since I live in small country in middle of Europe and it came from California.. I hadn't asked for some super-speed-shipping, but it was nice surprise for once.

    I hope you'll never have to experience any troubles again, it really sucks.
    Also the book seems nice.
    Ok, I'll stop with my essay. xoxo

  7. Anonymous3/11/12 08:18

    mullakin on kestäny varmaa kuukauden jo tilata yhet korvikset.... tulee kans jostai kiinasta. pistin jo viestii että miks ne ei oo vieläkää tullu ni ne sano että voinu jäädä postiin et ne lähettäis uudet... noh eipä oo vieläkään näkyny!

  8. No mäki täs vuoden tilaillu, aika normaalia, ettei oo tullut tuotteit tai joko ne on olleet jotain ihan muuta kun oot saanu ne postilt. Suurimman osan oon tyytyväinen ja tilaan vielki, halpaa ei voi vastustaa. Ota toki yhteyt myyjään ja anna varoitus, että voi pian sitten tulla negatiivista palautetta, niin mä aina teen. :D

  9. Oon odotellu puhelimen takakuorta Hong Kongista tässä kohta kolmisen kuukautta... Onneksi ei maksanut kuin joku 4e, mutta pistää vituttaa silti.

  10. Mulla on nyt ihan sama juttu. Tilasin yhdet kengät joita odotin ihan sikana ja sit sama homma et ebay oli sulkenu sen tai jotai mua vituttaa niin ankarasti et ei mitään rajaa.... tosin sit muita pikkutilauksia on tullut mutta silti. vittu. >: C

  11. Anonymous3/11/12 18:07

    You do know it usually takes a month or more to ship from China...? It's usually clearly stated on the item page.

  12. Ei liity mitenkää tähän postaukseen, mut tuli jostain mieleen että sä voisit tykätä Gossip Girl Psycho Killer- kirjasta, ite ainakin tykkäsin ja se vois olla just sun tyylinen :) ps. sun blogi on kyllä yks mun lemppareista!

  13. Anonymous4/11/12 00:08

    Mulle on käyny itseasiassa samoin, muuten kaikki tilaukset on tullu ihan ajallaan, mutta kun tilasin sormuksia kahelta tai kolmeslta hongkongilaismyyjältä, toimitukseen meni yli 2 kuukautta ja jouduin pommittamaan niitä viesteillä vähän väliä kunnes ne tuli perille. Ja silloinkin 2 niistä hajos ekalla kerralla kun käytin niitä, 2 saapu rikkinäisenä ja jouduin oottamaan vielä kolmisen viikkoa kunnes sain uudet tilalle.

  14. Anonymous4/11/12 03:04

    Kiinasta tulevissa tavaroissa menee yleensä minimi se kuukausi. Oon itse monta kertaa tilannut ja aina on tullut kuitenki perille, mutta kannattaa varautua odottamaan kuukausi tai pari.

    1. Yleensä. Mulla tuli just viime viikolla Kiinasta paketti viikossa. Itselläni just ei Kiinasta tullut paria juttua, sain vasta kuukauden odottelun jälkeen rahat takaisin. Se ei mua pelota tai mitään, mutta se ärsyttää, etten niitä tavaroita saa

  15. same here!
    I ordered an iPhone case from Singapore and it came after 5 weeks or something... It took soooo long but now it's here :)
    I think you just have to wait and hope and wait, haha

    Some weeks ago I ordered something from my country but it's still not here, I want it so bad but the shop sent me a message that it's already sent.
    so actually I hate ebay too, sometimes...

  16. Anonymous6/11/12 12:39



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