October 15, 2012


Saw this really good movie called Moonrise Kingdom from awesome Wes Anderson. Some people might think it's too disturbing cause there were some sexual tension with two 12 y olds, but I felt like it was pretty innocent. 

So sorry for the lack of decent blog posts. I haven't felt like myself in a while, mainly because of my short hair. Sounds so stupid, I know, but I just like myself more when I have long hair. I'm gonna get my extensions done this week and I'm waiting for many packages to come from mail. Full of so cute clothes to introduce to you! Just hang in there!
Remember those stud loafers from Nelly.com that I bought from Nelly.com? The ones that broke down? Yeah, I got some similar ones, only with black studs, from there. Gawd I'm stupid. Thought these were 50% off and the soles of these seem to be different.
Bought this super delicious tea that tastes like fall (rooibos, pear, cinnamon).
Ate some chinese with mommy. 
My old name necklace.


  1. Mistä ostit tuon teen? Näyttää niin hyvältä :D

  2. aah, I feel the same about my hair, it is growing back really fast but I am still not satisfied with myself -.-

    this movie seems to be pretty good, gonna watch it:)

  3. mua ärsyttää koska en ehtinyt mennä kattomaan tota moonrise kingdomia, eikä sitä näytetä täällä enää. yfauswigaswdhjegpöo.

  4. Hei kiitti taas hyvästä leffavinkistä. Rupesin just kattoo sitä koneelta ja hyvältä vaikuttaa. Mistä ite katot leffoja? ja mistä saat niin hyviää ideoita hyvien leffojen katseluun? tossa kysymyksessä ei ollu mitään järkeä........

  5. Aaah Moonrise Kingdom ♥

  6. oi, pakko kattoo heti tänään toi leffa!

  7. hattiwattimuki<3


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland