November 8, 2010


So, as you can see, it's time for another ''ask me anything''-post. If I remember right, I've never done this post in English. So, the thing is that you ask me what you've always wanted to know about me. Ask as many questions as you can think.



  1. How tall are you? Do you think you are pretty? I think so...

  2. Anonymous8/11/10 18:58

    Kuinka helposti tutustut uusiin ihmisiin?
    Oletko ikinä laihduttanut?
    Minkä ikäisenä menetit neitsyytesi?

  3. Anonymous8/11/10 18:59

    Paljonko sulla on kävijöitä keskimäärin päivässä?

    Paljonko sulla menee keskimäärin kuukaudessa rahaa vaatteisiin?

  4. Anonymous8/11/10 19:00

    Kuinka monta kertaa oot seurustellut vakavasti?

    Esisuudelma, missä ja milloin?

  5. Anonymous8/11/10 19:00

    Hey what do you do if you get really bored??

  6. what's your favourite band?

  7. :) did you ever had a medusapiercing and which eyeliner do you use? <3

  8. do you have a boyfriend/are you in love with somebody? C:

  9. Anonymous8/11/10 19:07

    are u single?
    have you many friends?

  10. how long is your normal hair?
    what make-up do you use?
    what do you want to work when you are older?
    yeah :)

  11. Anonymous8/11/10 19:08

    Do you have a boyfriend? Any sisters or brothers?

  12. Anonymous8/11/10 19:11

    Laittaudutko aina kun lähdet kotoa, esim kauppaan. vai voisitko lähteä ilman meikkiä ja verkkareissa ulos?

  13. What are you studying?

  14. Anonymous8/11/10 19:31

    If u could choose one animal u could became - what one would it be ?

  15. Anonymous8/11/10 19:31

    do you like sex ?

  16. Anonymous8/11/10 19:38

    you said you party hard, so where/with whom do you party with?

  17. Anonymous8/11/10 19:40

    what is your weight?
    What will you study when you are done with school?

  18. Anonymous8/11/10 19:41

    1. Where do you buy your hats?
    2. You once said, that you're gonna get some tattos done, when you're 18. Do you already know which ones and where?
    3. What are your favourite things to eat?
    4. Do you have a lot of friends?
    5. Have you ever had a boyfriend (how have your relationshpis been)?

  19. Anonymous8/11/10 19:51

    what are you doing every day?

    do you go often out or stay at home?

    do you know a good english book?

    can you recomande me a good eyeliner?

    do you exercise or do diets?

  20. Anonymous8/11/10 19:55

    Who or what is your inspiration? :D
    What is your favourite color?
    What do you study?

  21. Anonymous8/11/10 19:57

    mitä muuttaisit ulkonäössäsi jos voisit?

    voisitko käyttää plastiikkakirurgiaa?

    kuinka onnellinen oot asteikolla 4-10?

    ootko uudessa porukassa (esim koulussa) ujo vai innokas tutustumaan kaikkiin?

  22. Anonymous8/11/10 20:05

    -Käytkö vielä siellä stylisti koulussa(vai mikä lie)?
    -Mihin ajattelit sen jälkeen?
    -Mikä susta tulee isona?
    -Mikä on sun unelma matkakohde?
    -Haluatko asua aina Helsingissä? Vai kenties ulkomailla?
    BTW:Sun blogi on mun suokkari*!

  23. how old are you???
    and how tall?? :)

  24. Mitä sä opiskelet :)?

  25. Is there any part in your body or face that you would want to change?
    How about in your personality?
    Dream job?
    How long do you spend time to your make up and clothes?
    Any fobias?

  26. Anonymous8/11/10 20:24

    haluaisitko töitä juuri nyt taiii pystyisitkö tekemään osapäivätyötä koulun ohella?

  27. Anonymous8/11/10 20:30

    Mitä mieltä olet Tampereesta?

  28. Anonymous8/11/10 20:37

    - do u have a sister or a brother?
    - what are u're 5 fav songs?
    - are u good at school?
    - your weight?
    - wich handy do u have?

  29. Anonymous8/11/10 20:46

    onko sulla paljon ystäviä?
    mistä saisi hyviä vinkkejä sisustukseen?

  30. Anonymous8/11/10 20:47

    How much money do you spend on fashion/beauty per month?

  31. what are your future plans?
    if u'd win 10000€, where would you spend it?
    favourite models?
    where would you like to live?

    here you go!

  32. sun lempijätski ?

  33. Hey! I follow your blog since a long time ago (months) and I have some questions I would like you to answer :)
    1) Do you like living in your country?
    2) How would be your perfect life?
    3) You're so pretty, how many boyfriends did you had? and why don't you have a boyfriend now?
    4) In some post, you said that you're a mad girl, why?
    5) What are you studying?
    6) Are you insecure about your image or personality?

  34. Anonymous8/11/10 21:34

    Mikä on ollut tähänastisen elämäsi onnellisin päivä?

  35. Love the fact people are asking so many questions that you have already answered and posted about hahaha.

    Ok so: What are your plans after you leave home?
    Where do you really want to go on holiday?
    Top three favourite bands/singers?
    Do you have any favourite names, if so which?
    What do want for Christmas?

  36. What kind of makeup do you use?
    How much money do you spend on clothes?
    What's your favorite book?
    What does your school teach, exactly? You said it's make-up school once...what's it like?

    I'm curious xD

  37. Anonymous8/11/10 21:50

    paljon painat?
    sun noloin hetki?
    monta kertaa oot seurustellu?
    tuleeko usein negatiivista kommenttia blogiis?
    ootko huomannu et räpläät hiuksia koko ajan kun teet videopostauksia?
    ootko koskaan käyny maalla?
    paras lahja mitä oot ikinä saanu?
    hartain toiveesi tällä hetkellä?
    pidätkö itseäsi kauniina? entä hyvänä kaverina?

  38. Millä ohjelmalla teet ne animaatioidut kuvat?
    Mistä ostat yleisemmin vaatteita?
    Mistä sä tykkäät erityisemmin sun kasvoissa?
    Ja mikä/mitä objektiiveja sulla on ?


  39. 1) How does your normal schoolday look like? Do you wake up early, does school last long, do you get home late, what do you do after school?
    2) Have you bought any nice clothing items lately? Because you haven't blogged about it for a long time now, i'm curious :D
    3) What would you do, if you would just randomly find 1000 euros?
    4) Have you ever had any interesting hobbies or afterschool activities? (cause i've understood, that atm you don't have any)
    5)Can you post a picture of you, when you were young? Like 9 or 10 or 13 years old? That'd be nice :)
    And i love the photo in this post :)

  40. Anonymous8/11/10 23:37

    3 hottest celebrity men and 3 women?

  41. Anonymous9/11/10 00:04

    Have you ever seen Placebo live?
    Do you like their new album and new (well, not so new anymore :P) drummer?
    What is your favourite breakfast?
    What do you want to do for a living?
    Do you spend a lot on clothes?

  42. how many people you follow?
    why you decide to go to the make-up school?
    whats your favorite food?

  43. Anonymous9/11/10 09:06

    favorite types of music?
    what tattoos would you like to get?


    i'm learning finnish so
    mikä on lempivärisi?

  44. Anonymous9/11/10 09:29

    Mikä on lempikaupunkisi?
    Kenen keikalle menisit tällä hetkellä, jos olisi mahdollisuus?
    Mikä on paras asia blogin pitämisessä?

    Täytyy vielä sanoa, että toi kuva susta on supersöpö ♥

  45. Anonymous9/11/10 09:58

    Haaveiletko omaan kämppään muuttamisesta? Onko se sulle yhtään ajankohtainen asia?

    Missä Helsingin kaupunginosassa haluaisit asua?

    Kuka hankkii sulle alkoholia? :D

  46. Anonymous9/11/10 10:06

    Would you move abroad some day?

    What is your favorite colour?

    Do you have siblings?

  47. Miten paljo rahaa sulla menee meikkeihin vuodessa?

  48. Anonymous9/11/10 11:00

    voisitko seurustella uudestaan tytön kanssa? tunnetko _pienentäkään_ seksuaalista vetoa naisen kehoon? kumman vartalo on muodltaan kauniimpi,miehen vai naisen?

  49. Itqs ironic that I made an interview with you and I still want so ask something, haha. Do you have a boyfriend? How tall are you? In wich high school year are you or are you already in college?

  50. Anonymous9/11/10 13:48

    Miten saat huulistasi noin vaalöeanpunaiset??

  51. Anonymous9/11/10 14:06

    what are your favourite tv shows?

  52. Anonymous9/11/10 14:06

    do you like grey's anatomy?

  53. Anonymous9/11/10 14:43

    minkä ikäsenä sait sun ensisuudelman?

  54. Anonymous9/11/10 15:24

    who's your favourite animal?
    What girl and boy names do you like?
    what is your favourite shampoo and conditioner?
    would you like to go to university?
    where would you like to travel the most right now?
    what is your best friend's name?

    Love your blog!!!

  55. Anonymous9/11/10 16:02

    Minne menit peruskoulun jälkee opiskelemaan ja missä opiskelet nytte?

    Minkä ikäne oot?

    Miten sait yhtäkkiä noi paljon kävereita ku joskus aina sanoit että oot niin yksinäinen? :)

  56. Anonymous9/11/10 16:18

    jos sulla olis aivan rajattomasti rahaa ja mahdollisuuksia shopata missä vain, miten pukeutuisit?

    mitä tällä hetkellä ostoslistalla?

  57. how old are you?

  58. How old are u? (:
    And what kind of school u go to ?


  59. Anonymous9/11/10 17:50

    what are your favourite bands?
    what are your parents doing for living?
    where would you like to live?
    how many boyfriends have you had?
    do you use drugs?
    what's your favourite drink?
    what's your favourite school subject?

    great blog :))

  60. Anonymous9/11/10 18:41

    jossain vaiheessa tuli käsitys että olit yksinäinen niin onko se nyt (uusien kavereiden?) myötä muuttunut?

    onko sulla parasta ystävää tai muuten ystäviä joille puhua kaikesta?

  61. Anonymous9/11/10 19:32

    Mitä meikkivoidetta käytät?
    Paras _suomalainen_ blogi?

  62. What´s your biggest dream? If you could have a famous boyfriend who would you choose?? Wich is your favorite tv show??

  63. Saatko viikkorahaa tjms vai ostatko kamat omilla työrahoilla?
    Mihin ammattiin kouluttaudut siitä meikkikoulusta?
    Kuin tyytyväinen oot elämääs asteikolla 4-10?
    Mitä muuttaisit luonteessas ja ulkonäössäs jos saisit?

  64. What music do you listen? Which are your favorite bands?

    Thanks for answer :)

  65. * Whose celebrity face would you like to make up?
    * Which characteristic have you inherited from you dad, which from your mom?
    * If you had a sister or brother, which one would you prefer? What would be an ideal age for her/him?
    * Think of the Fear Factor. What would be the most frightening thing to experience on that tv-program?
    * If i had prepared a romantic evening for you, what would be a perfect touché, success?!
    * Whats your favourite when hanging with a boyfriend: watching movies on the couch, reading novels the feet mingled with each other, or playing some games?
    * If you lived in another century, which one would you prefer and why?
    * How do you know that you are in love?
    * If you could meet God face to face, what would you ask of him?
    * Über sweet make-up artist, what makes a person beautiful?

  66. Mikä olisi sinulle unelmien viikonloppu?

    Jos saisit 500 euroa vain vaatteisiin/asusteisiin, mitä ostaisit?

  67. Anonymous9/11/10 22:43

    1. what are your plans after graduating school?
    2. have you had dreadlocks? (or I just have a bad memory)

  68. What is the latest book you have read? What are your favourite books? How do you choose which books to read?

  69. minkä näkösistä ihmisistä tykkäät? liikutko aina hyvännäköisten ihmisten seurassa?

  70. kuinka monta eri blogia sulla on ollu ja minkä nimisiä ?
    millä eri nickeillä oot ollu galleriassa?
    jos ottaisit lävistyksen, mihin ottaisit?
    haaveiletko vielä punaisista hiuksista?

  71. how long do you need in the morning to get ready?

  72. what's ur fav food? fruits? vegetables? :O

  73. minkälaisia ovat parhaat ystäväsi? hengaatko samojen ihmisten kanssa kuin esim ala ja ylä-asteella?
    seurusteletko vielä? mitä työtä vanhempasi tekevät? onko sisaruksia?
    tunnetko paljon suomalaisia blogaajia? paras suomalainen blogi?

  74. when you had black hiar,how long did it take to come out?
    everyone says black hair is horrible to strip off?
    do you like black hair? do you miss it?

  75. Onko sulla sisaruksia?
    Onko sulla mitään muita lemmikkejä kuin tuo kissasi?
    Ootko aina asunut Helsingissä?
    Millainen lapsuus sulla oli/kaipaatko jotain asioita mitä lapsuudessa oli ja nyt ei ole?
    Ootko tyytyväinen elämääsi/millaista ois sun mielestä "täydellinen" elämä?

  76. En tiedä joko näitä on kysytty, mutta ei tarvii vastaa jos on :D

    - ihailetko jotakuta ja jos, niin ketä?
    - millainen on unelmiesi talo/koti?
    - mikä on mielestäsi paras/mieleenpainuvin kaupunki missä olet vieraillut - Suomessa tai ulkomailla?

  77. Mikä susta tulee isona?
    Mitä aineita kirjoitat?


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland