August 2, 2010



So, as you can see, I haven't post in awhile cause I've been just busy (meeting friends, watching movies, living my life). I don't pretty much have any inspiration at the moment, so You will tell me what I should photograph (For example ''photograph your cat/things that's pink/your shampoos/your favourite movies) and say it to me! Use your imagination.

AND it would be good if you say only things that I can photograph in my home. And I can't take any pictures in our house (except my room)

Eli, kuten olette huomanneet, mä en ole postannut taas hetkeen. Ei vaan yksinkertaisesti ole ollut aikaa (oon viettänyt paljon aikaa kavereiden kanssa, katsonut leffoja, elänyt). Mulla ei tällä hetkellä ole oikeastaan mitään inspiraatiota, joten Te saatte kertoa mulle mitä mä valokuvaisin (kuvaa kissasi/pinkkejä asioita/shampoosi/lempileffasi) ja kerro se tänne. Käytä mielikuvitustasi.

JA olisi kiva jos sanoisitte vaan asioita mitä pystyn valokuvaamaan kotona. Ja en myöskään voi kuvata meidän kotia (paitsi mun huonetta).


  1. Photograph you're room, you're favourite books, you're house from the outside... :)

  2. Photograph you're closet, you're room, you're house from the outside, you're favourite places in your town.. :)

  3. Anonymous2/8/10 16:20

    Photograph your room, your makeup. Then your everyday look, pjs. :D xD
    Something sbout ur school etc. :P

  4. take pics from your shoes :) x

  5. yeah maybe you can show your house on some photos!

  6. maybe photos from outside your home, your wardrobe, cosmetics, souvenirs from vacations, etc, school stuff (notebooks, pencil boxes, backpacks, etc) could you write something about the hair (which are divine! ;D), which is geared toward the selection of clothes. I totally curious about how they look second-hand shops in Finland and those pictures you could post it. is totally a lot of opportunities, and I'll pick an idea to write it yet ;)

  7. Anonymous2/8/10 16:37

    she just said, that she can't photograph her room, so why all of you is asking that ?! very annoying behavior ..

  8. your room!
    your favourite houses around town :)
    your face! :)

  9. Photograph old pics and your favourite books and cd`s :)

  10. Anonymous2/8/10 16:45

    Hmm... Could you please show us your favourite mug or cup and the most favourite piece of jewellery? ;]

  11. Anonymous2/8/10 16:56

    -miltä näytät nyt? (eli hetkellä kun otat kuvia)
    -lempi lehti
    -lempi asia huoneessasi
    -esine/juttu joka saa sinut nauramaan
    -lempi sukkahousut/legginssit
    -joku syötävä
    -lempi kirjasi
    -koneen taustakuva
    -lempi vaatteesi tällä hetkellä
    -lempi dvd levysi

  12. i would like to see things you can't live without :)

  13. Anonymous2/8/10 17:01

    -Yourself with sad face :-(
    -Yourself with happy face :-)
    -You looking fool XD
    -Favorite spot in your room
    -Some stuff that ppl wouldn't expect finding in your room
    -Favorite spot in your room to unwind after long day
    -Spot in your room that needs cleaning
    -Something you love
    -Something you hate
    -Something you wish to get rid of
    -Something you don't wanna lost ever
    -Something important
    -Favorite soap
    -Favorite shampoo
    -Favorite conditioner
    -Your handwriting
    -Favorite accessorize
    -Thing you couldn't live without

  14. semmonen "päivä kuvina" -juttu olis kiva nähä :-) tai sitte kauneimpia asioita joita omistat

  15. Anonymous2/8/10 17:10

    Itsesi pesemäs hampaita :>>>>>>>

  16. Anonymous2/8/10 17:11


  17. things that you hate .. and love!

  18. Anonymous2/8/10 17:30

    Photograph your jewelleries and your favoruite clothes...and your cat. She's really cute :)

  19. Anonymous2/8/10 17:39

    Sun huonetta olis kiva nähdä pitkästä aikaa :-)

  20. I would love to see your favourite clothes and shoes and jewelry.

  21. Photograph you in your favorite place or your friends

  22. photograph all your nailpolishes :)

  23. Anonymous2/8/10 18:01

    -Vaatekaappi niin, että ovet on auki

  24. I'd love to see more outfits of yours! You have the best eye for fashion - current trends and upcoming trends - and aesthetics and cosmetology, so that would be fun :)

  25. Anonymous2/8/10 18:03

    you should photograph your shoes, your favourite dresses and skirts:) and please tell us about what your favourite look is like (rock chic, boho,..) , maybe with an picture exmple of a famous person or something:)

  26. Anonymous2/8/10 18:04

    sun vaatekaappi, tosin tää varmaa sanottii jo pari kertaa :)

  27. Anonymous2/8/10 18:05

    Lempiartistien -ja bändien levyjen kansia

  28. Anonymous2/8/10 18:06

    Kuva kaikista sun leffoista.
    Kuva kaikista sun kengistä.
    Kuva kaikista sun kirjoista.
    Kuva kaikista sun lehdistä.
    Kuva itsestäsi juuri heränneenä.
    Kuvia sun huoneesta, esim. sellainen miltä se näyttää ovelta katsottuna.

  29. Anonymous2/8/10 18:09

    i want you to photograph yprself in different moods and with different faces, smiling, crying, laughing,...:D
    and i would love to see your jewellery!!
    <3ur blog

  30. all of your eye shadows
    your top5 tops
    your top5 bottoms
    your top5 shoes
    some of your cutest underwear
    your favorite necklace
    your favorite cafeteria
    your favorite drink (with or without alcohol)
    your favorite nail polishes (in your nails if possible)
    something really cute
    a pic that screams your name all over it (you can decide yourself what that means)
    your computer

  31. Please photograph your beautiful cat and your favourite movies! :D

  32. Take Pictures of your room and the favourite things which you're wearing at the moment.
    And it would be cool if you could photographe your jewerly :)

  33. 1. näkymä huoneesi ikkunasta
    2. joku omasta mielestäsi tosi kiva asu kokonaisuus ja siihen sopiva meikki
    3. tavara joku muistuttaa lapsuudestasi
    4. lempipaikkasi helsingissä
    5. lempiasiasi huoneessasi
    6. tavara jota ilman et voisi elää
    7. vaate, jota voisit äyttää loputtomiin
    8. vanhin kouluvihkosi
    9. aurinkolasisi

  34. Anonymous2/8/10 19:12

    Photograph an oufit in which you would go to school, an oufit in which you would go to a job meeting and an oufit in which you would go to a club. How you would change it during the day? That should be interesting. Make it even more interesting and first choose one piece of clothing (skirt, shirt etc.), which you will use in every three oufits.

    Photograph yourself taking a picture of yourself.

    Take a picture of your three favourite hairstyles on you.

    Do a collage of like 9 pics of yourself looking: neutral, amused, surprised, suspicious, bored, sad, flirty, innocent, regretful, disgusted, thoughtful or whatever you want.

  35. I really think you should photograph the area where you live, or the places you go on vacations. i'm really curious about how helsinki and finland look like! so i really think you should do more photos from outside =) maybe you could convince your friends to appear on some of your photos?

  36. Anonymous2/8/10 19:25

    esittele huoneesi! :)

  37. Your favorite movies and favorite clothing

  38. Anonymous2/8/10 19:42

    photograph your closet and your favorite summer clothes :)

  39. kuvaa
    -elokuva, jonka katsoit viimeksi
    -omasta mielestäsi ihana asukokonaisuus
    -erinalaisia kampauksia hiuksillasi
    - 1 lempparihajuvetesi
    -jotain tummanpunaista
    -viidet kenkäsi, joita käytät eniten
    -lempijuttusi huoneessasi esim joku yksityiskohta
    -kynsilakkasi, tai lemppari sellaiset


  40. Anonymous2/8/10 20:00

    Kauhein vaatteesi!

  41. photograph your clothes/shoes etc. that you bought some times ago, but never wear!

  42. I suggest that you are starting to make posts: "TODAY I SAW..." and then take picture of something really interesting you saw that day (interesting in your opinion ofcourse), for example: nice cloud on the sky, funny granny with funny t-shirt, etc. :)
    Im sure in Finland you found many interesting things to get everyday some really cool photo/post!

  43. Anonymous2/8/10 20:57

    whats in ur bag, favourite bags ..

  44. Anonymous2/8/10 21:31

    en jaksa lukea kaikkia noita kommentteja, niin varmaan tulee samoja, mutta kuvaa:
    - huoneesi kattavasti (aikasempia huonepostauksia oon rakastanu!)
    - tän hetken lempivaatteesi, -asusteesi, -kenkäsi, -laukkusi, -korusi
    - lempilevysi
    - lempikirjasi
    - lempimeikkejäsi
    - kissasi silmät
    - vaatekaappisi
    - silmäsi
    - kalenterisi
    - penaalisi
    - meikkipussisi

    varmaan aika samoja ku aikaisemmat, mutta toivottavasti on apua, sun kuvapostauksia odottelee innolla :--)

  45. Favorite bag or your cellphone..!! :)

  46. photograph your closet, make-up, how do you organize your school stuff, your handwriting, your room.. there is a lot you can share ;)

  47. Anonymous2/8/10 23:03


  48. Anonymous2/8/10 23:56

    take a pics of your favorite shops , where you've usually bought your clothes , which are in finland :)

  49. tee sellai juttu missä valokuvaat sun lempivaatteet, esimerkiksi samalla tavalla kun auroran henkarit blogissa, eli sillai että paidoista top 3. ja housuista top 3. ja hameista top 3 ja niin edespäin=) sillai että nämä top 3 vaatteet ovat siis sinun vaatekaapista tietty :D

  50. Anonymous3/8/10 08:59

    kuvaa sun huone! ja ne sellaset lehtileikkeet sun seinässä, haluun nähä ne tarkemmin :)

  51. Anonymous3/8/10 14:21

    photograph the make-up you use. :)

  52. Anonymous3/8/10 16:28


  53. Anonymous3/8/10 18:40

    Kiertele kaupungilla ja kuvaa ihmisiä, jotka sun mielestä pukeutuvat kivasti tms. Jotain laajempaa. Mun mielestä myös se oli joltain kiva idea näyttää suomalaisia kirppareita (tarvitseeko hietsua edes ehdottaa, heh...), ulkomaisia lukijoita varmasti kiinnostaisi. Mä en ymmärrä mikä kamala pakkomielle kaikilla on nähdä sun huonees, onhan se jo näkyny muutamassa postauksessa. Suloisia kesänjatkoja!

  54. I thought you might like this little video by a fine frenzy because it reminded me of you.
    Something about you having similar very girlish styles. :)

  55. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind is my favourite movie ever.
    i just found your blog and its really cool.

    read mine

  56. Anonymous4/8/10 22:10

    Miks et voi kuvaa teiän kodista muuta ku omaa huonettas=? :

  57. take a picture of the your makeup/things you use to style your hair! i would like to know!

  58. show us your bathroom ! :D

  59. Your closet! It'd be a good ideia, I guess...

  60. some doodles maybe? :)


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland