July 17, 2010

You can sleep when you're dead, baby


This day has been really boring and so on, I've done nothing. End of the story. But yesterday was the nicest day I've spent this summer. In early evening we went to this beach, I swam with my clothes on and just hang out with nice people + taking really stupid pictures about us. Then, at night, we met these 3 so sweet Estonian boys. We spoke English with them (good practice!) and I just can't put it in words, it was so much fun. When they got on the bus they hugged us and I was so sad. I think I looked really sad cause this one boy stood up and came to hug me again. I can't believe that I will ever see them again. Life's a bitch.

This is just some stupid post, maybe tomorrow's gonna be something better.


  1. Love ur floppy hat :) Where did u buy it :) Great pics :D


  2. Anonymous18/7/10 00:29

    oooi kuulostaa ihanalta toi päivä! mäki haluisin niin tutustuu uusiin poikiin, etenki ulkomaalaisiin. :)

  3. voiei kuulosti ihanalt toi sun yös, tommosta sen kesän pitääki olla, mäki näin tänää ihanan hyypän jolle puhuin mut enpä nää enää ikinä, mun mielest oli kiva tämmöne vähä erilaine postaus :-)

  4. maybe you will see him again - who knows? =]
    you are absolutely adoreable and I just love the second picture; it kinda reminds me of my summer holidays last year.

  5. oo, estonian boys?;D that's cool
    nice photos! :D i pretty like that title;D

  6. pikkusenko viettäsin jokaisen kesäyöni tolleen jos asusin helsingissä! siellä on elämää.

  7. yeah i really like the title too :) hmm do you know his name? maybe you find him somewhere in/on (i dont know^^) the internet ;)

    and awesome pics, its sooo great that you write your posts in english, thanks again ;D

  8. Anonymous18/7/10 02:02

    Mäkin tapasin pari argentiinalaista tosi mukavaa poikaa puistossa kun istuin yksin ja piirsin. Itku siinä mienas tulla kun niitten piti sit jatkaa matkaa. Miksei suomen pojat oo yhtä mukavia ja avoimia. Mokomat lurkit.

  9. Anonymous18/7/10 03:16

    Olikohan ne niitä helsinki cup pelaajia kun niitä on paljon täällä pyöriny :-D

  10. Summer Love? why didn't you ask him his email?

  11. I love days like that... my favorite thing to do is meet new people. Life is just so exciting!

  12. not at all! it was a really sweet post, especially the last part about the Estonian boy!! :')


  13. Voi eiii, ettekö sit pyytäny sähköpostiosotteita tai mitään yhteystietoja? :<<

  14. You look so stunning!

  15. Really sad, but maybe you can see him again :)

    By the way. The pictures are really beautiful!


  16. love the third photo.. it looks like from the fashion magazine!!!

  17. Anonymous18/7/10 11:22

    that story with the boys was so sweet. :) Do you know the contacts of these boys ? Facebook or anything else? Maybe You put the pictures of that evening on your blog?

  18. oh i know what you feel. i hate the feeling when you know you see somebody probably the last time in your life. but yeah, facebook is a good idea ;D try to find them!

    i love your blog!

  19. Tugba - Yeah it's cute :-) From KappAhl

    MERICAE - Se oliki! Voi jos mun koko kesä olis ollut samanlaista, olisin maailman onnellisin ihminen :-D Tosin kyllä tällanen ykskin päivä piristi

    h - Kiitos :-) Ja kelpais mullekin, mutta toisaalta taas liian surullista ku ei välttämättä koskaan enää näe niitä

    Vici - I so hope that, but I don't think I will. And thanks :-)

    birgit - Haha yeah! Thank you :-)

    Sara - Ei Helsingissäkään ihan aina tapahdu tällaista

    Adrii - Ooh I've tried, nothing! I'm so pissed off cause of that :-D And I'm feeling like a crazy stalker

    Anonymous - Ei ollu, noi oli täällä töissä pari päivää ku jonkun äiti on suomalainen tmv

    J a v i e r a q u a m a r i n e ♥~ - Summer crush on :-D And I was a bit drunk so I didn't even think about any of that

    meggasus - Me too!

    Valeria - Haha thank you!

    Viltsu - Sen kaveri pyys mun numeroa, mutta voi olla tosi mahdollista että kirjoitin sen väärin tai jätin jonkun numeron pois, olin vähän nauttinut alkoholia. Mä niin toivon että se on mielummin niin ettei sitä kiinnosta, kun niin, että mä olisin mennyt kirjottamaan numeron väärin! :-D

    Zoe - Thank you :-)

    Luci Ana - Maybe :-)

    Anonymous - Thank you :-) And I gave my number to his friend but it's really possible that I wrote it wrong or something like that. I hope that he's just not interested cause it would be toooo stupid if this would be my fault

  20. Anonymous18/7/10 14:20

    Oli pakko kertoa sinulle, että kaikkien muiden blogien joukossa juuri sinun blogisi on se, jonka uudet postaukset luen aina ja joista pidän lähes poikkeuksetta aina. Sydän sydän!

  21. your hat is gorgeous!


  22. WOHOOOOO, estonian booooooys!!!!!!!!!! :D

  23. Anonymous18/7/10 16:04

    itekki tutuistuin tänä kesänä yhteen meksikolaiseen poikaan, jota tuskin tulen tapaamaan enää mutta facebookissa pidän yhteyttä :) söpöjä kuvia!

  24. finnish girl who prefers english18/7/10 16:14

    aww how lovely! that's wonderful about helsinki, even though the atmosphere here is very finnish, you can still meet foreigners here as well, especially on summer nights! for example, the other night i met this really funny american guy in the park and we talked for hours, it was really nice. i will probably never see him again but it was a lovely experience and i hope that's the way you will remember your estonian guy. and yeah, i have met some foreigners at finnish house parties in helsinki, too ;) so, new opportunities will come, i'm sure! keep on going!

  25. you don't make stupid posts! i think every post is interesting and lovely - and this one, too! :)

  26. You know, I hate the feeling you get when saying farewalls to someone you wouldn't propably ever see again. And missing someone you wouldn't ever see again feels so... Hopeless. Damn those exchange students that take peoples hearts with them.

  27. Toi on niin ihana toi mustavalkonen kuva missä istut maassa :-----)♥ ja kuulostaa ihan überkivalta toi sun iltas aaw

  28. voisitko vastata edellisten postausten kommentteihin..?

  29. Anonymous18/7/10 20:41

    Aiotko ottaa muuten medusan takaisin kun joskus siitä puhuit? Se oli tosi söpö sulla :)

  30. Anonymous19/7/10 14:21

    "taking really stupid pictures about us."
    it's of us, not about us

  31. Toi hattu on ihana! Mistämistä?

  32. Anonymous22/7/10 19:04

    thanks for writing in english!
    isn't there this saying: we will always meet twice!?

    where is the shirt and the shorts from the second picture? please tell me x


I use Canon EOS 1100D
I was born in 1993
I'm from Helsinki, Finland