July 6, 2015


I made a new blog where I'm going to post stuff about movies, books and such, so if you're interested, click here!

April 30, 2015

The end?


I've been blogging since I was 14. It was so much fun and exciting, I loved taking photos of basically everything and I loved writing about stupid little things.
But now I'm 22 and I'm not really sure if this is my thing anymore. I used to feel ashamed when I didn't update my blog but now, to be honest, I don't care.

I feel so sad that it has come to this, I used to be so sure that I'd still be blogging when I was 40.
I miss it when blogging felt fun and necessary, when it felt like keeping a diary.
As you can see, I don't even know what I should say right now. Why would I have a blog if I couldn't write something this simple.

I'm still very much that same girl, I still like taking photos, watching too many movies, reading books, buying clothing that I will never use. 

I have to admit that Instagram has something to do with this. It's just so much easier to share a one single photo when I'm on the go. It just takes so much more to have a blog and I'm lazy.

I'm not 100% sure about my decision just yet though. I will take my time and not rush things. Some of you probably remember all those times when I said that I wasn't going to blog anymore and I still did, over and over again. This time it just feels different. I don't know.

Thank you all so much after all these year, it wouldn't be the same without you guys. I hope to see you again!


Mä olen pitänyt blogia 14-vuotiaasta saakka. Se oli niin kivaa ja jännittävää, mä rakastin ottaa kuvia about kaikesta mahdollisesta ja mä tykkäsin kirjoittaa tyhmiä pieniä asioita. 
Mutta nyt mä olen 22 ja mä en ole enää varma onko tää mun juttuni. Mua ennen hävetti jos mä en päivittänyt mun blogiani, mutta nyt, rehellisesti sanottuna, mua ei kiinnosta.

Mä olen tosi surullinen että tää on tullut tähän, mä olin ennen aivan varma että tulisin bloggaamaan vielä nelikymppisenäkin. Mä kaipaan sitä, miten blogin pitäminen oli hauskaa ja tarpeellista, miten se tuntui kun kirjottaisi päiväkirjaa.
Kuten varmaan huomaatte, mä en edes tiedä mitä mä nyt kirjoittaisin. Minkä takia mulla olisi blogi, jos mä en osaa kirjoittaa edes mitään näin yksinkertaista?

Mä olen silti melkein täysin sama tyttö mitä mä olin. Mä silti otan turhia kuvia, katson liikaa leffoja, luen kirjoja ja ostan vaatteita joita en ikinä käytä.

Mun on pakko myöntää, että Instagramilla on jotain osuutta asiaan. Se on vaan niin paljon helpompaa jakaa yksi ainut kuva liikenteessä. Blogin pitäminen vaatii paljon enemmän, ja mä olen laiska.

Mä en ole 100% varma mun päätöksestäni vielä. Mä aion ottaa oman aikani enkä kiirehdi. Jotkut teistä varmaan muistaa ne lukuisat kerran kun mä sanoin etten bloggaisi enää, mutta silti jokainen kerta palasin. Tää kerta vaan tuntuu erilaiselta.

Kiitos teille kaikille näistä vuosista, tää ei olis ollut samanlaista ilman teitä. Mä toivon että me nähdään uudestaan!

March 9, 2015



I got this Sheinside (Click!) jacket a while ago. I'm so in love with this kind of pale blue. I just got blue sweater and a skirt and I'm honestly thinking about wearing all these 3 together. And getting matching Kånken backpack.

I'm so sorry for not posting for ages. About a month ago I started to feel really sick and weak. My head was constantly spinning and all I wanted to do was sleep. And I rarely had the strength to go out and meet my friends. Then I realized that I had been eating very poorly, basically only pasta and some veggies. Yesterday I decided to start eating fish (mostly salmon and no shrimps or tuna) and I don't know if it's just placebo or something but I'm feeling better. It was hard for me cause I'd like to think that every animal is a friend but I have to put my health in front of everything sometimes.

I'm also not sure what I want to do with my blog. This whole thing hasn't felt something that's my thing. I'd want to write more about books and movies and things that I think about anything. I'd also want to blog more about beauty and health related things. And I'd love to have some food recipes in here. 

I'm turning 22 next month and I feel so clueless about life and everything. I'm not sure if I know who I am.